Calling all Junior Coaches and Managers and Youth Coaches and Managers not in the finals.
Please bring your WASHED (jumpers) and checked kits back to the club on the day of the Junior Presentation.
Please see me to get it checked off before you leave it.
Coaches kits should include: keys, balls, Boards and magnets, bibs (if you had them).
Manager's include: ALL Jumpers (WASHED and checked off), drink bottles and holders, match balls, first aid kit (box, manuals and any additional equipment, whistles, etc.
Please note jumpers WILL NOT be accepted unless all present.
If you can't make it on Sat, please contact me to make another time. Teams in finals will have a later return time scheduled.
Thanks Sandra.
A S Luketina Reserve Buntine Road, Wembley Downs, Western Australia, 6019, Australia